

Witnesses of The Heavenly Vision

It is His only begotten Son the most treasure in Father’s heart. It is His church the most treasure in the Son’s heart. In Christ the beloved Son the fullness of the Godhead lives bodily. The unsearchable fullness of Christ fills His body, the church first of all. When the times will have reached their fulfillment, the glory and fullness of God will fill all things in heavens and on earth through The Christ, whose head is Lord Jesus Christ, whose body is the church. 

This is the vision God predestined for us, also revealed in us very very truly through the Bible and the Spirit. We love God, surely we love what He loves. We love Lord Jesus, surely we love what Lord Jesus loves. So we dare not be disobedient to the calling from above. For His glorious eternal purpose, we, along with all saints who share or will share the same calling, would like to be witness to this heavenly vision in the place He chooses for us, according to the revelation of the Bible and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Amen!